Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Year's Blahs

I am suffering from NYB - New Year's Blahs.


Work. My job has dried up and I'm frustrated. I am actively looking and networking, but it's still depressing. I look forward to going home every day and cherish the time with my wonderful wife and wild-at-heart boys. Nothing like relieving a little stress by making my boys laugh hysterically.

If you're going through the same rut, check out Dan Miller's website, 48 Dan has experience rebuilding careers and devising creative income. His "48 Days" book is excellent as well.

Please keep me in your prayers as I seek God's wisdom and patience in a new and exciting career.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Sorry to hear you're in the doldrums, Mark. Sounds like you need some weekend fun outdoors with the boys and away from distractions. Or a good movie. Take them to see Chronicles of Narnia. That'll make you feel warm and tingly.