Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Atheist Review of The Chronicles of Narnia

I give the credit to my friend, Tim Ellsworth, for writing this story. Before making any comments, please read Polly Toynbee's review as linked from Tim's site.

First, if you have ever debated with a devout atheist, it's like partaking in a fierce tug-o-war. No matter how convincing you are, the atheist refuses to see the 'unseen'. The only magic or mystery they believe in comes from a Harry Potter book.

Personally, I find this very sad. To the atheist, Mother Teresa was a myth or she was the exception to the norm. Sometimes as I observe the behavior of fellow Christians, I happen to agree somewhat with that last statement.

Second, devout atheists are very comfortable in their beliefs. They don't care if their soul goes to Hell for if they don't believe in it, why should it go there upon their judgement. And speaking of judgement, they could care far less for a sovereign and loving God who will condemn you for your disbelief in Him or his Son, Jesus Christ.

Third, acts of kindness or servitude to our fellows is trifle and intermittant. Says the atheist, "If one were truly a Christian, then why don't they act like one?" But the atheist view of a Christian is either a weak peasant or Rambo. There's no in-between.

As Ms. Toynbee seems to be an atheist, and quite a cozy one at that, so it's no wonder her sarcastic banter cuts so deeply into any Christian's take on The Chronicles of Narnia. She's a miserable person who could no more explain Aslan's resurrection (nor want to) as she could why the Chicago Cubs haven't won a World Series. Only Christ's sacrifice for our sins can be explained. The Cubs are a different story altogether.

I say all this for I have debated a few atheists since my conversion in 1999. And I must say, no matter the evidence from the mind or heart, they will stand their ground using some of the aforementioned tactics. It's only when a seed is planted, and God grows it, will the atheist come to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.


Jeff said...

The funny thing is, while I've pretty much backslid into agnosticism, the only thing keeping me from even thinking of being an atheist are atheists themselves. Almost every one I've ever met, read or heard is obnoxiously faithful (ironically) to their belief in nothing.

As I wrote in my review of Narnia, I went in not looking for Christian subtext but yeah, it's pretty obvious. I didn't have a problem with it, and hope it can be useful to churches if only to spark a dialogue. I think Miss Toynbee would rather not think about the fact that 95 percent of North America practices some form of Christianity.

Mark said...


Why agnosticism? I can attest to leaving Jesus for 'nothing'. I wondered the vast wasteland of faith for ten years.

I can relate to atheists from the standpoint of foolish, loud-mouth Christians, that do more harm than good, trying to reach people for Christ.

When you get some free time, we need to get together for coffee or something stronger. At least for a good laugh!

Jeff said...

I say agnosticism since over the last few years I've found myself with doubts. I find it easy to believe that God created everything, but not so much in Jesus sent here as a savior and as God's son.