Tuesday, February 08, 2005

God, is that you? (1 Samuel 3:1-10)

Have you ever wondered why God communicates with us differently? Picture this: A husband and wife go to a mall. They sit together in a busy food court eating lunch. She talks to him about her future purchases. He barely hears a word, but nods to her as if he understands. (C'mon guys, you know what I'm talking about!) She smiles and everything appears fine. That's until he sees the credit card bill and goes bonkers.

Now picture God trying to get your attention. He's speaking to you, showing you signs, displaying revelations, doing everything but throwing a rock at you. However, do you really take notice? Is your life full of busyness and noise that all you do is affirmatively nod to Him? (Sunday morning sermon bobbleheads) I've been asked how I know God is speaking to me or showing me signs? Here are some pointers:
1. Take what God says to you and affirm it with His Word and persons you trust in the Lord. Remember that thy will be done. For God’s purpose and glory, not ours.
2. Plan accordingly. God loves a good plan. (See Nehemiah)
3. God speaks only on his time.
4. Do not become discouraged. Esther made some tough choices without God speaking directly to her. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, guided her to do the right thing. Thusly, we may be hearing God’s words through other godly people.
5. Lastly, pray. Pray with loved ones who want to do God’s will.

God communicates with us differently because he knows us. He knows our personalities. Our Heavenly Father knows that sometimes he just needs to whisper or show us a neon sign.

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