Thursday, October 04, 2007

Faith In Action

If there is anything that brings joy to my heart, aside from my family and friends, it's serving in the community. Want to show the love and mercy of Christ? Serve in your local community. The following links are very personal to me and I encourage you to find a place to show Christ's love:

Habitat for Humanity - Pick a local affiliate and help buid a home. There's nothing like seeing the joy of a person building and earning their own home.

Big Oak Ranch - I personally met John Croyle, a couple of years ago, and his testimony of helping [rescuing] abandoned boys and girls made me weep.

Belmont Foundation - Author Donald Miller [To Own a Dragon, Blue Like Jazz] began this wonderful organization to mentor boys and girls who have no fathers. This constantly pulls at my heart-strings.

The Drake House - Homeless single mothers with children and no where to go. Brings tears to your eyes, doesn't it?

Faith - Love - Mercy - Action
It doesn't take much.

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